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Now that you’re four months pregnant, how do you feel? Congratulations on getting to the second trimester! When you’re in your second trimester, you can coast a little bit to get over the yuckiness. It won’t be long before the 6th and 7th months arrive, which tend to be somewhat uncomfortable.

The fourth month of pregnancy is usually a time to celebrate: You feel better, everyone knows you’re expecting, and you’re even starting to see the first signs of a baby bump. What is the expected date of the baby’s birth? When you find out, you’ll know.

4 Months Pregnant Symptoms, Belly, and Baby's Development
4 Months Pregnant Symptoms, Belly, and Baby’s Development

Table of Contents

Common Symptoms of Pregnancy at 4 Months Pregnant

In the first four months of pregnancy, you may experience some Pregnancy symptoms, even if you don’t experience them all:

  • Is there anything better than ice cream and pickles? You should maintain a healthy diet during pregnancy, but moderation is okay. In addition to chalk, dirt, and laundry detergent, it is harmful to consume non-food items when you feel the urge. If you are experiencing this, you should consult a healthcare professional.
  • It is normal for the ligaments supporting the uterus to stretch during pregnancy because the uterus grows. As a result, abdominal pain can be dull or sharp. The pain associated with round ligaments may be reduced for pregnant women who change their positions during pregnancy.
  • It is possible to experience swollen gums or bleeding when brushing or flossing your teeth. Due to pregnancy hormones, which can make your gums more sensitive than usual, you may be more prone to gingivitis during pregnancy. If you have dental discomfort, brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and rinse with warm salt water. You should visit the dentist every six months at a minimum if you are experiencing discomfort.
  • Smaller, reddish, or purple varicose veins can appear on your face or legs with less severity. This symptom may be caused by changes in circulation caused by an increase in blood volume. It is common for spider veins to fade on their own after delivery.
  • Your belly, breasts, buttocks, and thighs may appear red or brown as your skin stretches during pregnancy. You can reduce itching and irritations by dampening your skin during pregnancy, but you cannot prevent them. Following the birth of the baby, the marks will fade.
  • Are you prone to nosebleeds or do you sometimes feel stuffed up inside your nose? Blood volume increases in your body and hormonal changes may lead to swelling and bleeding of the nasal mucus membrane. Keeping hydrated and using saline nasal drops can help you deal with congestion. Also, you can use petroleum jelly on your nostrils at night along with a humidifier in your bedroom.
  • You might have a urinary tract infection (UTI) if you experience a burning sensation after peeing. Urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria entering the urethra. Pregnant women tend to have more UTIs since they have a harder time emptying their bladders completely because of their growing uterus.
  • It is possible to get a UTI when bacteria remain in the urine. Untreated UTIs can lead to more serious bladder or kidney infections, even if you have back pain and fever. Therefore, you should consult your doctor if you experience painful urination (even with back pain and fever).

At 4 months, how is your baby doing?

Despite being quite young, your baby has already developed some facial features and some movements, such as flexing his arms and legs and clasping his hands. It is still possible that your baby is taking advantage of the amniotic sac while you are four months pregnant. You might be able to see genitals if you have an ultrasound this month or soon.

At 4 months, how is your baby doing
At 4 months, how is your baby doing

The hormones estrogen and testosterone will also be produced by your baby as it grows. Until mid-pregnancy, your midwife will be able to tell you the gender of your baby with our Chinese Gender Predictor.

There’s still work to be done! Now that the kidneys are producing urine by swallowing amniotic fluid, they can start producing urine themselves. Would you be upset if I told you that your child is hearing noises outside the house? Now that you’ve read, spoken, and sung for a small audience, you’re ready to perform for them.

Pregnant Woman’s Diet Chart for 4 Months

When you are pregnant, you are especially in need of iron, calcium, and folate. It shouldn’t be a problem for the mother to gain weight if she eats nutritious, wholesome foods and feeds her child as well. You should also take supplements, like Vitamin D, in addition to seeing your gynecologist.

It is important to keep food hygienic since most food is made at home. A variety of grains, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products are usually used in this process. Fish and chicken are among these foods that are high in protein. The diet of a baby should contain all three factors to ensure that the baby develops optimally.

Check out these Dangerous Signs.

Pregnant women must be alert and take appropriate action when they observe certain signs that are out of the ordinary. You should keep an eye out for the signs below, and you should consult a doctor if you notice any of them.

  • In the event of bleeding after sex, contact your physician immediately.
  • If you notice bleeding similar to menstrual blood, you may be at risk of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.
  • In particular, if you suffer from nausea or vomiting and are unable to consume any food or beverage.
  • Another red flag is contractions.
  • This is especially true if your water breaks.
  • Headaches and abdominal pain are also warning signs.
  • If you have a cold, a cough, or a fever that doesn’t seem to go away, you have persistent influenza.


Take advantage of all pregnancy has to offer: lots of energy, fewer nausea attacks, baby flutters, and dressing the little bump in even more adorable maternity clothes as the weeks pass. You’ll be able to bend over to put on shoes and bend over again in a few months, but you’ll miss the 4-month mark if you have a hard time putting shoes on.

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