The number of people living with diabetes in India has recently surpassed that of any other country, making it the country with the second-largest diabetic population.

Although the prevalence of diabetes is affected by a variety of factors including age, sex, ethnicity, genes, and so on, the numbers are primarily fuelled by unhealthy diets and lifestyles.

[Case in point:] Garima Goyal, a registered dietitian, offers some suggestions for lowering one’s risk of developing diabetes in a way that is both simple and effective.

Early diabetes prevention methods
Early diabetes prevention methods

Table of Contents

1. Weight of shedding

The changes in the dynamic of diet, lifestyle, and environment have undoubtedly kicked off the trend of “diabesity,” particularly among children and adolescents. This is especially true in the United States.

Insulin sensitivity can be disrupted, which over time can lead to the development of diabetes when abnormal body fat distribution occurs as a result of obesity. Therefore, your risk of developing diabetes can be lowered by losing weight in a manner that is better for your health and does so gradually.

2. Carbs with complexity

No matter if you have diabetes or not, not all carbohydrates are unhealthy for you. Carbohydrates are the primary source of our energy and typically provide between 60 and 65 percent of it. As a result, it is essential to place a strong emphasis on selecting the appropriate carbohydrates.

Fiber can be found in high amounts in complex carbohydrates like those found in vegetables, whole grains, and pulses. They are digested gradually, which prevents any sharp spikes or dips in blood sugar levels as they move through the body. Your insulin sensitivity will remain in check with regular practice like this.

3. Advanced protein diet

Eggs, lean poultry, pulses, and legumes are all good sources of lean protein that will help you maintain better glycemic control and feel full longer. Consuming carbohydrates and proteins together will assist in keeping insulin activity and blood sugar levels at a healthy level.

4. Nutrient-dense meals

In addition to the macronutrients, consuming a diet that is high in fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals will not only help you avoid developing diabetes but also a number of other chronic diseases. Incorporating foods from a variety of food groups into your meal is the most effective way to increase the number of nutrients it contains.

A meal that is high in nutrients and low in calories is ideal for maintaining a healthy blood glucose level and providing essential nutrients. Examples of high-calorie foods include highly processed foods and sugary beverages.

5. Get your muscles moving

Any kind of physical exercise, whether it be cardiovascular or strength training, helps muscle cells become more efficient at utilizing glucose and also improves the stability of blood glucose and sensitivity to insulin. It would be beneficial to participate in at least 40 to 50 minutes of physical activity at least five days per week.

6. Make a meal plan

“Planning your meals” is an effective way to reduce your risk, despite the fact that this piece of advice is unconventional. If you make haphazard decisions and aren’t sure what you’re going to eat, it could lead to unhealthy eating habits and a lifestyle, both of which could increase your risk of developing diabetes. Therefore, you should always set aside some time to plan your meals and jot down a shopping list.